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pátek 18. listopadu 2011

It Takes an Ordinary Man

A poem dedicated to Václav Havel; written in Oxford within the M.St. in Creative Writing Program, in July 2007.

It Takes an Ordinary Man

On stage
conquered by lie and hate
enacting truth and love
takes courage,

the courage of a saint.

It takes the faith
of the innocent
serving his life-sentence
to love thy audience,

a poet's
disarming clarity of diction,
the loyalty of mythic heroes
reinvented in fiction,

the solitude of a ring-bearer,
confined by his own conscience
to loneliness at a crowded scene
bewildered by emotions.

It takes humility,
the holiness widely available
that barely anybody picks
instead of masks and painless tricks.

But anytime the saintly virtues fail
it takes a decent ordinary man
who lasts on the abandoned stage
to let the truth and love prevail

at least for an instant.

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